Meet Dave 



I’d like to introduce myself and share the vision and passion I have for Flagstaff and its people. My name is Dave Hommel, and for 18 years, I served the body of believers at Calvary Chapel in Vista, California, as well as our surrounding communities. I am an ordained Pastor and a member of   International Association of Biblical Counselors. 

My ministry experience began with homeless and drug and alcohol ministry, leading Bible studies in rehabs and jails. This soon expanded to one-to-one and group discipleship, particularly with new believers. Over time, discipleship expanded into counseling for those whose struggles were hindering their spiritual growth, as well as marital and pre-marital counseling.  

I love seeing people transformed by the Gospel, and the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. In fact, the longer I serve the Lord and His people this way, the more I love it! Jesus doesn’t promise us heaven on earth, but He does promise His presence, His help, and eternal life. My desire is to help people who are searching, wondering, or weary to know Jesus more and discover the joy that walking with Him will bring. 

I’m married to MaryAnne, and have a daughter, son-in-law and their two children here in Flagstaff. We enjoy exploring the off road truck trails in our Tacoma and the back roads on our motorcycle. Top it off with a good burger and some family time and it’s pretty much a perfect day.